Our Homeschooling Experience

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Allie is our oldest child. She is in her final year of college studying art and math - a fabulous combo! She begged me over Christmas break in seventh grade to homeschool her, but as a working mom I just couldn't see through the clouds to make it happen at the time. She's grown to be amazingly talented over the years and will often tease me that I'm correcting all of the things I did wrong with her the "second" time around with our four little ones. Maybe there's more truth in that than I would like to admit.

Homeschooling...or better said...home educating...is a choice we've made for our 4 little ones. We have been working on literacy and numeracy at home for 18 months and are thoroughly loving it. My husband and I work together to teach our children HOW to learn. Our goal is to inspire a life-long desire to learn in every little heart we are blessed with.

Our little ones love to learn with their hands...the more "hand-action" the better is our motto, so we occasionally ditch the workbooks and opt for a more active approach...today we were working on our numbers...counting and number recognition.

One, two, three, four... time to clean the kitchen floor...



1 thoughts:

  1. I'm always intrigued by homeschooling. I was almost homeschooled then my mother became to ill to teach me so i ended up going to school. I'm so glad because it gave me the social experience i needed whilst encouraging my passion for learning and the visual arts.
    I'm always curious as to how well it works. Some of the homeschooled children i have met in the past have appeared introverted and find social situations awkward others i've have met have grown to love learning like no other children i've met. I guess it can work both ways.


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